
The topic of sustainability not only plays a major role in our everyday business, it is also a special concern for us personally.

As a certified waste management company, we specialise in the recycling of scrap and help to conserve natural resources. By using scrap in steel production, not only is the mining of mineral resources avoided, but the smelting of secondary raw materials also consumes significantly less energy than the use of primary raw materials.

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As scrap is deemed to be waste according to EU law, we have to comply with certain legal regulations when trading it. Since 2008 we have been certified as a Specialised Waste Management Company (“Entsorgungsfachbetrieb”) and thus have many years of experience with the legal principles and their practical consequences. When buying and selling, we take care of the necessary permits and documentation and are happy to answer any questions you may have about legal issues concerning the trade of scrap or raw material recycling. You can download our current certificate here.

In addition to trading in stainless steel waste we recover particularly pure, high-quality scrap in a special recycling process, whereby the material is no longer considered as waste. According to EU regulation 333/2011, this scrap reaches the “end of waste” and is thus given product status. This material is particularly interesting because it has the advantages of recycled material but is not subject to waste law. Since 2021, we have a certified quality management system for the corresponding conversion of iron and steel scrap. You can download our current certificate here.

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Umwelt EDGAR HASENBURG GmbH + Co. KG is a globally active trading company specialising in steel and stainless steel raw materials

Beyond our core business, we are also committed to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. For years, we have been supporting non-profit organisations and optimising our internal processes with regard to sustainability, for example, by implementing a paperless office. Help us to avoid paper by sending us your correspondence and your invoices electronically. Many thanks!